WSG University
Garbary 2 Street, PL-85229 Bydgoszcz

Phone: +48 525670754

Conference Invitation



The University of Economy in Bydgoszcz

Teams, 24.01.2023

We  are pleased to invite you to participate in a RESEARCH CONFERENCE in the form of an open forum, the purpose of which is:

  • discussing the use of distance learning methods and techniques in university teaching,
  • using modern digital methodologies in research,
  • indicating innovations in researchers' own work and didactic techniques.

Changing world and the advancing science, encourage systematic self-development and point the need to strengthen key social competencies. Digital skills seem to become one of the most crucial today. Many sciences contribute to digital development or take advantage of its benefits, while in the case of social sciences or humanities, a specific methodological gap is visible.

Induced to reflect on the reasons for this state, we would like to invite you to participate in  the International Conference, the aim of which is to gather different points of view on the opportunities and problems of the digitization of research and university didactics.

In the spirit of digitization of science, we invite you to actively and passively participate in the enterprise. The Digital Forum will be held remotely via MS Teams on January 24, 2023. It is possible to publish a reviewed post-conference article in a scored monography.


Registration form for panelists can be found in the panel on the left.